
2020 Praise Song | "All Things Are in God’s Hand"

1,923 |2018-10-17

As God has said before: stands by what He says,

and what He stands by He always brings to completion,

and no one can change this, no one can change this.

Whether they are words God has said in the past

or words He will say in the future,

God will make them all come true, one by one,

and allow all of mankind to see them come true.

This is the principle behind God’s words and work.

Of everything that occurs in the universe,

there is nothing in which God does not have the final say.

Is there anything that is not in God’s hands?

Whatever God says is done,

and who among human beings can change God’s mind?

Could it be the covenant God made on the earth?

Nothing can hinder His plan from going forward.

God is ever present in His work

as well as in the plan of His management.

Who among human beings can put his hand in to meddle?

Who among human beings can put his hand in to meddle?

Is it not God who has personally made these arrangements?

Entering into this realm today

does not stray outside God’s plan or what He has foreseen;

it was all determined by God long ago.

Who among you can fathom this step of God’s plan?

God’s people will assuredly listen to His voice,

and each and every one of those who sincerely love God

shall assuredly return before His throne,

shall assuredly return before His throne,

shall assuredly return before His throne.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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