
Judgement of God Is the Grace of God "The Most Wonderful Blessing" | A Real-Life Story (English Dub)

7,083 |2018-06-30

The drama The Most Wonderful Blessing is the story of a preacher in a house church. He believed that just by giving up his home and his job, and working and preaching the gospel he could gain God's blessing. After accepting Almighty God's work of the last days he continued on as usual, and as a leader in the church focused only on working hard while neglecting to put God's words into practice. He often relied on his own corrupt disposition in his affairs. God loathed this, and he lost the work of the Holy Spirit. After losing his position as a leader, for a time he was negative and resistant to God, but the judgment of God's words awoke him. He realized that God's most wonderful blessing for mankind is His judgment and chastisement.

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